Spiritual Wellness



01: What is it?

Spiritual wellness allows us to be in tune with our spiritual selves. This realm of wellness lets us find meaning in life events and define our individual purpose. Our Spirit is our true self or our higher self. It is our true essence and the place where peace and serenity can be found even when things in the physical world may seem chaotic. When you align with source energy, you realize and feel your connection to everyone and to everything- people, animals, and the planet.

02: Why It Is Important? 

This just may be and in my humble opinion is the entire meaning to the life journey. Finding our way back to the true essence of who we really are before we leave this world. Oneness, compassion, Unconditional love, gratitude and grace are all the lessons we are here to learn. The goal is to learn them while we still have living to do on earth. Raising our individual and collective consciousness for the good of the whole.

03: What Can You Do?

Learn How to Align with Source Energy. Just remember that you have a choice to “Tune Up” each body of your energy for optimal living and happiness. Just as each individual body of energy has its own source of nourishment, so does the spiritual body. We will practice exercises and techniques such as meditation, prayer, yoga, chakra clearing, sound healing, detachment, earthing and volunteering as ways to raise our spiritual energy and connect in the highest vibrational way possible.